How To Write Good SQL - Part 1

Always try to affect the maxiumum number of rows with the minimum number of transactions

Let's say you want to create and populate a simple table containing the phonetic alphabet. Let's create a table to hold this information. In practice phonetic_id would be an auto increment column.

            create table phonetic (
        	phonetic_id int not null primary key,
                phonetic varchar(10) not null unique

You could produce 26 insert statements like this:

            insert phonetic(phonetic_id, phonetic) values (1, 'Alfa');
            insert phonetic(phonetic_id, phonetic) values (2, 'Bravo');
            insert phonetic(phonetic_id, phonetic) values (3, 'Charlie');
            insert phonetic(phonetic_id, phonetic) values (4, 'Delta');
            insert phonetic(phonetic_id, phonetic) values (5, 'Echo');
            insert phonetic(phonetic_id, phonetic) values (6, 'Foxtrot');
            insert phonetic(phonetic_id, phonetic) values (23, 'Whiskey');
            insert phonetic(phonetic_id, phonetic) values (24, 'Xray');
            insert phonetic(phonetic_id, phonetic) values (25, 'Yankee');
            insert phonetic(phonetic_id, phonetic) values (26, 'Zulu');   
        Took 0.345 secs. We can do better:

This is 26 separate transactions and if one of them fails the table is left in an inconsistent state. A better approach is to create a select statement using union all. That way all 26 rows are inserted as a single transaction (atomicity). Either the statement succeeds and all rows are populated or it fails and the table remains empty.

I've used union all as opposed to union as I know the dataset to be inserted contains unique values and it performs better not having to look for duplicates.
            insert phonetic (phonetic_id, phonetic)
            select 1, 'Alfa' union all
            select 2, 'Bravo' union all
            select 3, 'Charlie' union all
            select 4, 'Delta' union all
            select 5, 'Echo' union all
            select 6, 'Foxtrot' union all
            select 7, 'Golf' union all
            select 8, 'Hotel' union all
            select 9, 'India' union all
            select 10, 'Juliett' union all
            select 11, 'Kilo' union all
            select 12, 'Lima' union all
            select 13, 'Mike' union all
            select 14, 'November' union all
            select 15, 'Oscar' union all
            select 16, 'Papa' union all
            select 17, 'Quebec' union all
            select 18, 'Romeo' union all
            select 19, 'Sierra' union all
            select 20, 'Tango' union all
            select 21, 'Uniform' union all
            select 22, 'Victor' union all
            select 23, 'Whiskey' union all
            select 24, 'Xray' union all
            select 25, 'Yankee' union all
            select 26, 'Zulu';
        Took 0.032 sec. Ten times faster than individual insert statements.